We did the logo work. We put it to vote in our school and in our community. We have selected the logo that will represent our school.
Writing Skills
Our students have written New year cards to their flip friends and have wished happy new year to each other.We've used Linoit that is one of the web2 tools for this activity.
Reading Skills
We read a chapter of a book with our students and drew what we read. At the same time, Filemania's students also read and drew the other part of the book. Students from two schools guessed the parts they had not read from the pictures drawn. Finally, we shared our predictions in the zoom meeting.
It was an interesting and beautiful experience.
Esafety İnternet Day
As we planned in the meeting, we will create an acrostic poem related to E-safety. Each member will write a line with the students starts with the letter of 'SAFER INTERNET'. Whichever line you choose, please write your name on the relevant space.
Letter ‘S’
Letter ‘A’
Letter ‘F’
Letter ‘E’
Letter ‘R’
Writing Skills With this activity, we prepared a paper slide about our members' cities. We prepared a brochure about our own city, collected information and uploaded the files to the padlet page. We planned to improve our students' writing skills with this activity. Before starting the activity, we shared the instructional video with our students on how to create a paper slide to adapt to the flip learning method. We uploaded our presentation slides to the section with our names.
We talked about speaking and listening activities as a closing activity and We all shared some brilliant ideas and finally we agreed on an online story activity that we will choose from the fablcottage, youtube or else. As teachers we will create and share the questions with each other via ‘twinspace forum’ , then one of us will create a kahoot game by using these questions and then at the next meeting the students will watch the story without subtitles and play kahoot game to answer the questions of the story.
Tangue Twister